Tuesday, October 30, 2012


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With Halloween upon us, this is timely news about a procedure that is growing in popularity. Scary as it may sound, it is one procedure to help BOO – tify patients who have it. Facelifts are invasive procedures that involve injections and cuts. But a new treatment called the Vampire Facelift is needle-free, using lasers for smooth skin free of wrinkles. And the recipient of the first Vampire Facelift, Amie Mee, underwent the procedure in Glasgow.
The Daily Mail is reporting that the newest cosmetic procedure, which administers thousands of tiny holes in one’s face through a carbon dioxide laser, pushes plasma from the patient’s blood through an ultrasound probe. The treatment costs approximately £750.
Mee was happy with the results and would recommend it to others. “The procedure makes such a great improvement to your skin in terms of pigmentation, texture and in other ways.”
The non-invasive procedure’s creator, Dr. Taimur Shoaib, performed the treatment at his Belle Forme clinic. The technique is named after vampires because it uses one’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. It is an update to the traditional vampire facelift that uses a series of injections in one’s face.
Dr. Shoaib believes that the facelift removes deep surface lines and wrinkles, with the additional benefit of continuing to aide restoration under the skin. “It then keeps on working in various ways under the surface to enable the skin to produce collagen, its own youth serum.”
Mee found the laser to be slightly uncomfortable but the quickness of the procedure made it worth the discomfort. “After you’ve had a bit of downtime your skin just looks amazing,” she said.

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